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FILE MANAGER ©                                                                                                               26 When in a directory that has a large number of files, the files are listed alphabetically by file name.  Sometimes, it is desirable to see the listing of files sorted by the time (date) of their creation or by the size of the files, from largest to smallest. Note: · The alphabetical sorting option is case-sensitive.  This means that file names beginning with upper-case letters come before file names beginning with lower-case letters.   The sort order is A-Z, then a-z.  This means, for example, you could have a file named WORDS.TXT listed before a file named a-plus.htm. How To Use the Listing Sort Tool: 1. When in the File Manager screen, the Sort Tool is located at the bottom of the current file listing. 2. Click on the Sort files by: drop-down list to display a listing of sort options.  These options are Name, Size and Time.  Select the desired option. 3. Click on the Sort button.  The screen reappears with the files and directories listed in the selected sort order.   Note: · Once a Sort order has been specified, it will be applied to all listings for the duration of your session.  To change the sort order back, repeat the process described above, and choose a different sort option.