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FILE MANAGER ©                                                                                                               27 Changing File and Directory Permissions Permissions can be set for your directories and files.  These permissions determine who can view, write to, and/or use the directories and folders in your site. The permission settings are each comprised of nine letters (or characters) in a row that appear to the far left of the listing for each directory or file.  Each letter represents a type of access, while the position in the nine-digit string dictates who has that type of access. The characters displayed in these settings can be r, w, x or -. · r stands for read access; whoever has this level of access can view the file or directory. · w stands for write access; whoever has this level of access can overwrite existing files or write new files in the specified directory. · x stands for execute access; whoever has this level of access can run executable files. · - (the dash) indicates that no permission is given. The first three positions in the nine-digit string are the permission settings for the owner.  The second three digits are for any groups (if any groups are created), while the last three digits are the permission settings for others (anyone who is not the owner, or is not a part of a previously declared group). Permission Setting Link