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E-MAIL SUPPORT ©                                                                                                               44 3. In the Additional E-mail field, type the e-mail address of any accounts to which you would like the support response sent.  Support will automatically send their response to the e-mail account you have set up under your site account; if you do not check that e-mail account frequently, you should enter the address of a regularly used e-mail account.  This field is optional. 4. In the Description field, type a detailed message explaining as thoroughly as possible, the exact nature of the problem for which you are requesting support.   Note: · The Subject and Description fields are required.  If not completed the e-mail will not be sent. 5. If at any time you would like to clear the entire form and start over again, you can do this by clicking on the Clear button near the bottom of the page. 6. When you have filled in the required fields on this form, select the Send Support E-mail button.  A message appears indicating the e-mail has been sent. 7. Once the e-mail is sent, you can return to the main Control Panel page by selecting the Control Panel link, located in the upper right corner of the top frame.