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ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT ©                                                                                                               21 2. In the Update your credit card information here: section of this page, make any necessary changes to your payment method.  If you select the Credit Card option, you will need to complete the information in this section.  If you select Wire Transfer or Check, the remaining information is not needed. 3. Once the changes or additions have been made, select the Update Billing Information button. 4. A page appears with the message “Your payment information has been updated in our database”. 5. Once the message is displayed, you can use the Control Panel link to return to the main Control Panel page. The Off Network E-mail Address is a contact address for you which is not associated with your account.  This can be a web-based e-mail account (e.g., Hot Mail or Yahoo Mail).  It is used to contact you in the event of a problem.